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Asymetrio made-to-measure and asymmetrical lingerie wins the Innovation Boldness Prize in Paris France

Behind all these media publications and marketing operations, all is still not ideal, far from it. A lot of motivation and determination to reach my goal and get my Asymétrio brand where I want it to be. But it's a lot of stress, and you have to know how to manage it. Behind every entrepreneur, behind every brand, even the most beautiful brands, with incredible values and a founder who gives her all without respite. The certainty of succeeding and not “sinking” is always there. And that's the game you can't afford to lose when you choose entrepreneurship.

asymetrio lingerie made to measure asymetric breast

We start 2024 with a new CO and 5 new products

This collection is now online, thanks to a wonderful collaboration. Marine, a pattern designer, has been an expert in the field for over 10 years. She was able to create patterns for me that I had drawn up, but also to format the paper patterns in digital format, adding 441 gradations. Asymétrio runs from 80 to 120 and from A to G cups, making a total of 441 sizes. Back then, I did all my own pattern-making and sewing. With these new development objectives, I had to delegate. Thanks to Marine's professional networks and expertise, I was able to find a production workshop in France with a made-to-order production system. Asymétrio is made-to-measure, so I don't have any stock, which is a far cry from fast fashion. In France, it's very hard to find an atelier, and even harder in the lingerie sector. In general, workshops require a minimum of 3,000 pieces. This is impossible for my young company, both financially and in terms of stock management. It's not in line with the brand's values. I can't predict 3,000 measurements for my future customers when I offer 441 sizes.

IDEM for suppliers. For this new CO, I had to use wholesale suppliers. They impose minimum quantities of 1000 meters (after negotiation, otherwise we're at 2000) knowing that I have 7 elastics per collection, I couldn't buy and stock 7000 meters of elastics for each of my 3 COs, which would mean stocking 21000 meters of elastics. I'm talking about elastics, but it's the same principle for lace, tulle, fishnet and all the other parts (back staples, buckles, rulers, etc.).

So, thanks again to Marine, who gave me this advice: choose PAT (ready to dye) materials. As the name suggests, this means that the material is not dyed. So I send it to a dyeing workshop, which dyes each fabric according to the CO color of the moment. I've been able to cut the budget by a factor of 3. But I'm also sure that I won't lose any stock or materials, because if tomorrow I want to launch another collection, all I have to do is dye the existing materials that I've already paid for!

  • To give you an idea of the investment in raw materials (only) and after negotiations, we're looking at a cost of €10,000.

  • Not counting the incredible work Marine has done, and continues to do, to develop Asymétrio.

  • Not to mention the production workshop. For Made in France, a bra costs 35€ and a stocking costs 15€, depending on the style.

  • And don't forget the photo shoot, the website launch and all monthly business expenses.

Yes, it's expensive for my young company, but I've cut costs enormously. Compared with Etam, which still has a 12% share of the lingerie market in France, we're a long way off. And you know what, I can't wait to get there!

When an entrepreneur talks about networks, that's it. I didn't understand myself, the real importance of what the network can bring: “Well, I've created a lingerie brand, I just need to sell my bras to have a business”. As you can see, connecting helps!

postoperative bra - made to measure et sexy

We continue this year with a crowdfunding campaign

Crowdfunding, or participatory financing, is an online system that allows you to make a one-off donation or purchase a counterparty, one or more products that are online on the platform. I chose KissKissBankBank.

I'll let you click on the links, and I'll tell you more about each article.

In a nutshell: I launched a crowdfunding campaign during the month of pink October (month of awareness cancer in France) for the creation of a sexy, made-to-measure post-operative bra. As I explain in the articles, I hadn't planned to create this bra, because I didn't feel legitimate: “I didn't want to make business on women's health”. It's thanks to the testimonies of these women, whom I met at trade fairs and events, that we created our perfect bra! All this had to be budgeted, and that's why I created crowdfunding. The launch schedule for this bra has changed:

  • January: We begin pattern-making and order raw material samples.

  • February - April: We order raw materials for prototype testing. We estimate 4 fittings before validating at 100%. Then we send proto 1 to production for testing on 7 different women. After the fittings, we adjust the pattern. Then we start again until the prototype is perfect to validate the pattern.

  • May: Purchase of raw materials + production run for the photo shoot, carried out that same month + Launch and online launch of this bra revolution!


A number of events will be organized, including 2 associations fighting breast cancer, and a clinic. I'll tell you more when everything's planned.


Asymetrio made to measure lingerie win Audacy pitch in France

Asymetrio made-to-measure and asymmetrical lingerie wins the Innovation Boldness Prize in Paris France

It's thanks to Carole, my advisor at Initiative France. Because following my honor loan, which was granted to me thanks to the committee last year. I'm being monitored and supported in the development of my brand by the region. It was following this invitation by e-mail to apply for the Pitch des Entrepreneurs de moins de 30ans competition, where the loan of honor was granted and concerns all entrepreneurs in France. All you had to do was apply online, answering several questions, submitting a complete BP and, above all, making a 2min video! Asymétrio was selected from all the applications from every region of France. There were 10 finalists. Asymétrio represented Paris/île de France.

It was an incredible day! I loved the exercise of pitching for 2 minutes in front of so many people - there were 750 of them! There were prizes, 5 in all for 10 finalists, but also networking! And as you know, in entrepreneurship it's very important to develop our brands and make sure they grow well!

Asymétrio not only met future collaborators, notably for the post-operative bra, but also won the audacity prize.

I'm proud to have chosen the right words to show the values of my brand. A brand that makes sense, that breaks codes, that's daring, and for that I took off my bra in front of 750 people. In all modesty, of course, I'll let you watch my pitch.

The 10 finalists are also entrepreneurs who don't give up! With incredible motivation! We were a great class, and once again I'd like to thank Initiative France for this day.

2 price for Asymetrio made to measure bra ? We know 3decembre 2024 in Paris France entrepreneur

We're ending the year on a high note! Asymétrio among the 18 finalists in the Créatrices d'Avenir competition

A competition dedicated to women entrepreneurs in Paris/île-de-France. Out of 831 applications, Asymétrio is one of the 18 finalists. It's off to a busy schedule!

  • Tuesday November 12 is the competition's 1st presentation workshop.

  • November 18 is the official 5-minute pitch to the jury.

  • December 3 is the awards ceremony!

Asymétrio is a brand that I want to innovate in the world of lingerie by bringing the concept of made-to-measure. I don't want to create yet another textile brand. I want to create a brand with meaning and value!

I'm very proud to be one of the finalists, because it's really not an easy competition. Créatrice d'Avenir is really a prestigious competition. It's organized every year by Initiative France too. It offers prizes by category. Asymétrio is in the Impact category!

Like the “audacity” award, these are truly beautiful words to define the values of my brand! I'm so proud!

For Asymétrio, this competition represents a new opportunity to reach a wider audience and demonstrate the unique vision that sets it apart in the field of made-to-measure lingerie.

The competition not only strengthens Asymétrio's reputation, but also offers the chance to win subsidies.

As you know, for a young company wishing to expand, everything has a cost. This grant could help me pay for brand development and go faster in purchasing these actions. But also to meet B2B contacts to sign contracts that would considerably increase my brand!

It's Friday, December 6, so a quick update is in order after this ceremony! It was great!

Asymetrio made-to-measure and asymmetrical lingerie wins the Innovation Boldness Prize in Paris France

I'm so proud!

Not only has Asymétrio won a grant, it's also got some crazy visibility, and now I'm waiting to see what it can do for my brand.

During the ceremony, I had to pitch Asymétrio's values for 1 minute. A real challenge, because 1 minute is short. Very short, to explain the impact of my brand!

My goal for 2025

  • Continue to develop Asymétrio in France and maintain a stable monthly order ratio

  • Develop brand awareness and sales in Europe

  • Launch new products, notably swimwear and nursing bras

Thank you 2024 for all these changes! I can't wait to see what this new year has in store for Asymétrio!

2024 SEPT - DEC / VLOG


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